Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Are You On Target For You?

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Hey guys hope all is going good for you, almost the end of the month. just wanted to make sure you on the right track for success. There is a lot that can be accomplished in a day, hope your doing it. Have you gotten in a Mastermind group for whatever profession your in? Have you put together a master plan for things you need to do on a daily to achieve all that you need to get done? Its always good to have those around you that are headed in the same direction. Somebody your getting assistance from and someone your giving assistance to.
There are a lot of groups out there on Facebook, Linked In and a Google + Community where those in the group want to see you succeed in what ever your doing. I will be sharing different groups Im in that have been very helpful to me i meeting my deadlines. This year there is a synergy to work together and achieve more. No need to try and do it all yourself, to many people who have tons of skills and no direction in how to use them to get paid.


Take your next step in what it is you want to accomplish, there is no reason you cant go after and get what your desire. We talk to people who are hesitant on letting there dreams become a reality. Let them out and don't hold back, so what if they laugh at you, when your reaching your dreams those same people will be admiring you for doing whats deep down inside of you.
No one can stand in your way unless you allow them, no one can stop you unless you give up, no one can make you do anything. So take the gift that God has put inside you and make it happen. YOU DESERVE IT!!!!
As always feel free to comment or ask questions. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Social Media Facebook Group.
Social Media Google+ Community
Real Estate Investor Facebook Group
Entreprenuer Facebook Group of Champions.

Monday, January 28, 2013



I look at a picture almost once a day of a burned boat, that picture gives me stamina to want to kick butt every single day of the week. The picture is motivating because it tells me your either all in or go home. So I wanted to share the picture with you in the hopes it does the same for you that it has done for me. Read onBurn the boat

The Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire

In February 1519, Hernando Cortez set sail on the final leg of an ocean voyage that was to take him from Cuba to the distant shores of the Yucatan as the legend tells it.
He commanded 11 ships with more than 500 soldiers, 100 sailors, and 16 horses, bound for Mexico to take the bound for Mexico to take the world's richest treasure. The precious jewels, gold, silver, and sculptures sheltered on this limestone peninsula had been hoarded by the same army for over 600 years.
Cortez had heard of riches of the Yucatan. With his men they arrived on shore. They did not go and take the treasure immediately, they waited until they were ready. Cortez shared with his man how the treasure would change their lives, make a difference in there families. Children grow up in favor and wealth.


Then Cortez told his men to "Burn the boats."
The men were outraged wondering how they were going to get back to their families!
Cortez told them to burn the boats, if they where going home there where taking there boats home. He wanted them to have a take it or die attitude.hey would conquer the Yucatan army and gain their fortune. They would take the Yucatan's boats home.
This is whats in my mind for 2013, its do or die time, its no excuses time. Its stop playing and kick butt time, we live at a awesome time right now. There is a lot of opportunity out here to take advantage of, no matter if I fail, its alright, no matter if it does not happen the way I want. It does not matter, what matters is the next choice I make to let my awesomeness shine.
How about you, whats your boat? Whats standing in the way of your success, your destiny changing moment. Or that little things that would bring a smile to your face on a constant basis. Everybody definitions of success is not the same. Burn your boats, make it happen for you, no matter if its that book you need to write, that movie script you need to get finished. Or maybe that business idea that can create a change in your life. What ever it is , DO IT!!!
Want nothing but the best for you, Please feel free to comment and or ask questions. Here are a few links to make a extra $200-$500 a month.

Friday, January 25, 2013

MCA Review.

MCA_TotalSecurity_miniThe Truth About MCA.
Hey whats up people?
Wanted to share some info with you on what happen when I had a flat tire and needed to use the services of MCA. So since I never used it, was very interested in seeing how the services would be.
So it was about 9ish in the morning when I made the call. Had to wait for about 5 minutes to speak with a very nice courteous customer service rep. Gave her my name, she looked it up and asked for the address and info of where Im at.  Said she would call me back when a company is on its way. She called me back in about 2 minutes and said it would be 30-45 minutes before they arrived.

There on the way.

They called me in 35 min or so, they where down the street, he pulled up and got to work. Very courteous and polite, I showed him the tire he checked it out. Pulled out his tools, did his thing. That was it, done. Gave me his card, nothing to sign , no paperwork. Nothing at all, loved it. Ive used other tow services before that when there done you have to sign paperwork. See your id, etc. This was very easy to use, great customer service. Glad I have the serviced and Im getting paid to share the business with others. How cool is that? Check out the link below for more info on that.
Here is some MCA facts.
They are ready to serve you or your love ones 24/7, 365 days a year.
Your Emergency Road Service includes:
a. Battery Boost
b. Fuel Delivery
c. Tire Change
d. Lock-out Service
e. Wrecker Towing Service
Stolen Vehicle Reward
MCA will pay a $5,000 reward for that protects your vehicle and discourages theft. The reward will be paid to the Law enforcement agency or individual responsible for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the thief. The reward is not payable to you, your family, or other members on your MCA membership.
This is a summary of services, please click on link for exact details.
Thanks for reading, just wanted to share my MCA experience. Have those who asked and I was told about others good experience. Which came out good, always want to keep you guys updated and informed.
Fernando Young

Social Media Manager/Consultant


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Social Media Coordinators All Things Social Media Network Facebook Group

Social Media Coordinators All Things Social Media Network Facebook Group


This Group was created to learn how to master social media marketing, branding, and networking. Social Media Coordinators have added other social media professionals so the info on here will get you desired results. 

If you have good info to share please do. If you know of some one who would get benefits from this group fell free to add them. 

Thanks we look forward to having you in our group.5

Facebook Group