Monday, April 1, 2013

Client Retention Made Easy With Cards & Gifts 4 U Helps

Client Retention Made Easy.

When you act on a prompting you can change someone’s life. Our convenient system lets you send that birthday, anniversary or thank you card without the hassle of pen, paper, stamps, envelopes or mailboxes. Sending a card has never been so easy! With just the click of a button, you can choose your custom card, add a personal photo, write your message and click send. We print, stuff, stamp and mail the physical card for you.

We Can Help Your Business

Whether you are a dentist, salesperson or office worker, there has never been an easier way to send a genuine thank you, reminder or follow-up card. Greeting cards can be powerful business tools to help make sure your business clients and customers know just how important they are!

We Keep You Organized

It can be exhausting to look up each address when sending a card. With our Contact Manager you can store all of your addresses in one place. When sending a card, simply select an address that’s been saved and we’ll do the rest.

We Make It Easy

By creating a campaign you can send the same card to as many people as you want - perfect for announcements, invitations and holidays.

We Remind You

Never forget a birthday again! With our reminder system you can store important dates like anniversaries and birthdays and we’ll remind you every time.

We Bring The Gifts to You

Don’t waste time running to the store to find a gift. With our extensive online Gift Catalog, you can choose from hundreds of gifts like chocolate brownies, gift cards and motivational books - all without ever leaving the comfort of your home.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Australian Search Marketing Expo

Australian Search Marketing Expo


Hello everyone would like to share  this project with you. We are raising funds to send Akiva to Australia for the SMX conference. We working to get a sponsor or barter our services  for someone to cover a  ticket to speak at SMX Australia  Here is the crowdfunding info

He is a 19 year old entrepreneur that now lives in Israel. He grew up in Richmond Va and goes back every summer. He help local businesses get more customers using the internet and we also teach people how to make money online.

Bio of Akiva Ben-Ezra

 Akiva balances being a college student with being a successful entrepreneur.  
He presently resides in Israel but he has lived in other countries including the USA and works with businesses all over the world.  Akiva is the principal owner of an internet marketing company Ben-Ezra Marketing.  He helps the owners of small to medium-sized businesses to gain a stronger market share in their community and also to expand their influence worldwide through the web.

     Akiva has many strengths.  He is able to connect with business owners to understand their needs. He then uses his expert knowledge to help them get results quickly.  Business owners say they appreciate Akiva’s help to increase their business. Akiva is able to create an impressive online presence for business owners and he expands their reach to customers through using his expertise in Video and Mobile Marketing, Search Engine Optimization and Driving Traffic.

     Akiva also uses webinars to teach and coach students how to do internet marketing.  His students say they appreciate Akiva’s ability to translate difficult web concepts into language they understand and methods they can use.  Besides educating students, Akiva would welcome the opportunity to speak to your business group to help them understand internet marketing.  He says speaking to business owners who have a variety of interests stimulates his creativity to develop innovative internet marketing methods.

What We Need & What You Get

  • 3000 dollars to cover airline and travel expenses to Austria to be able to speak at the SMX Conference 
  • Get Valuable Perks to help market your biz online 
  • 30 Minute Marketing Consultant
  • Get Marketing Advice to get your business in shape for the online marketing 
  • Mobile Website
  • Video Marketing assistance.
We are here to help you with your business needs has you donate to the fund. 

Click now to donate and get assistance with your business.

Check out our Facebook !!!

Social Media Coordinators Blog.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Twitter Happy 7th Birthday

Twitter Turns 7.

We have been using Twitter for over 3 years now, it is a great way to brand yourself and your company brand. Not only does Twitter rank great on Google its a easy tool to use that syndicates to Facebook, You can also syndicate from Pinterest to Twitter as well.

Twitter is an online social networking service and microblogging service that enables its users to send and read text-based messages of up to 140 characters, known as "tweets". Twitter was created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey and by July, the social networking site was launched. The service rapidly gained worldwide popularity, with over 500 million registered users as of 2012, generating over 340 million tweets daily and handling over 1.6billion search queries per day. Since its launch, Twitter has become one of the ten most visited websites on the Internet, and has been described as "the SMS of theInternetUnregistered users can read tweets, while registered users can post tweets through the website interface, SMS, or a range of apps for mobile devices.

Just wanted to share this with all of you, hope your enjoying Twitter.

Happy 7th Birthday Twitter

Twitter is celebrating its 7th birthday with a video showing a short history of the service, from its humble beginnings and co-founder Jack Dorsey's first tweet, to the present day, when it boasts 200 million users.

Thanks for reading and feel free to leave a comment or ask a question.

Social Media Coordinators

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

If a 5 year old can do it, so can you!!!!!

If a 5 year old can do it, so can you.

This is very interesting article about a 5 year old. that I came across, hear a lot of people mention how there are road blocks to there success. Then only road blocks that are in the your life are the ones you let stand in your way,
I chose to share this story because it shows there is nothing that can stand in your way. Its always good to share positive and encouraging information with others. So we hope you share this with others as well.  Its a story of a 5 year old named Joesph who wanted to go to Disney World.  So instead of saying no to her son, or telling him they can't afford it. She told him they could go if he could pay his own way.
Joseph told his mother, “I am too young to get a job, so if I have hens I can sell their eggs and save for Disney”, and with that a business plan was born. Rather than becoming Joseph’s obstacle, Marie and her husband decided that they would help Joseph with his plan. She writes, “He could see his goal and knew how to get there.

Just wanted to share this because there is a few great lessons here from a 5 year old. for those who have dreams of any kind. That hard work can pay off, that there is nothing that can stand in your way to get there. When you work towards a goal, things come your way when you need them to. No matter what they may be, true it may be hard. Its as hard as you make it. Surround yourself with people who can help you get where your going. Must of those we deal with let little things stand in your way of big progress.  Stop cheating yourself, you deserve more and better then your giving yourself.

There are so may people who want to help you expand, encourage or what ever. Go get it, put your mind to it. Develop a plan of action and put those action steps to work. If you need any marketing assistance let me know, Im here to help those who have a direction there going. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

JT Foxx Event Review

JT Foxx Event in Los Angeles

Wow, what a great event last weekend. It was the JT Foxx Mini Mega Partnering event. It was great info being shared and networking was good as well.
J.T. Foxx started investing with nothing more than a rusted out Ford pick-up truck, $974 dollars and 1 cheap suit. Now just 6 years later, he has acquired and sold over 500 properties, closed over $40 million in real estate deals. He then turned into a serial entrepreneur and started several multi-million dollar companies all over the world, became one the most sought after motivational speakers and recognized as one of the top wealth coaches in the world all by mastering the Art of partnering, branding, networking, and marketing.
There was tons of info been shared with the group of 100 people at the JT Foxx event. It was a Marriot Hotel in Redondo Beach, a great place to have a event. The info on branding was very informative to me gave me a new aspect of how we brand ourself & our clients.
So the info that worked for me where better way to market offline to get mega results. Shared a lot about the importance of adding value to those you network with and do business with. the importance of knowing who your ideal client is and how to do business with them.
The importance of getting know your customer to make them more then a client, it cheaper to retain and up sell a client then to get a new one. Keeping in contact with you client on the holidays and birthdays and things like that. How important that is to keep you or or service on there mind.


Branding with style, brand yourself to get real results that equal cash flow. Branding to create your own market place, seeing the problem and been creative enough to have the solutions to problems your niche clients have . Not targeting everyone under the sun, but that target niche market of those who you can services the best.
problem solver an a solution finder reaps good dividends. You know you target markets problems so your goal is to market to them that you have the answer to there problem. Showing your clients you are the authority in your field and your able to take there need or want and make it a non issue.
Its very important to set up some type of brand loyalty program, something that creates brand authority. Again showing them how and why you are good at what you do.
  1. Brand yourself
  2. Brand awareness
  3. Brand Preference
  4. Brand Insistence
  5. Brand Advocacy


This section I found very interesting in adding to your bottom line. They where sharing to have at least 8 profit centers for your business. As well as not doing it all your self and out sourcing to get better results and again increasing your bottom line. Enjoyed this part because he shared on the importance of outsourcing and creating strategic alliances to get the job done with out you doing it. What the why behind your business and whats the exit strategy for your business. Are you doing just for the money, for family etc. As well as the exit to pass on to children or ? Or do you plan to run it on a daily for the next 20 years. Did you create yourself a job in the business or are you a business owner. Good question right?
Lastly the importance of networking with like minded individuals. how the right connection can lead you to bigger and better things. There are tons of talented people who have a product or service that can help you achieve better and greater results.
Steven Bradbury spoke for a hour or so as well, he shared his experience of all he went through to get to the Olympics and get the gold. The importance of perseverance, hard work and not giving up. Steven John Bradbury OAM (born 14 October 1973 in Camden, Sydney) is a former Australian short track speed skater and four-time Olympian, who won the 1,000 m event at the 2002 Winter Olympics after all of his opponents were involved in a last corner pile-up. He is the first Australian to win a Winter Olympic gold medal and was also part of the short track relay team that won Australia's first Winter Olympic medal (a bronze in 1994)
Check out this link for the next JT Foxx Event.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Are You On Target For You?

images (3)


Hey guys hope all is going good for you, almost the end of the month. just wanted to make sure you on the right track for success. There is a lot that can be accomplished in a day, hope your doing it. Have you gotten in a Mastermind group for whatever profession your in? Have you put together a master plan for things you need to do on a daily to achieve all that you need to get done? Its always good to have those around you that are headed in the same direction. Somebody your getting assistance from and someone your giving assistance to.
There are a lot of groups out there on Facebook, Linked In and a Google + Community where those in the group want to see you succeed in what ever your doing. I will be sharing different groups Im in that have been very helpful to me i meeting my deadlines. This year there is a synergy to work together and achieve more. No need to try and do it all yourself, to many people who have tons of skills and no direction in how to use them to get paid.


Take your next step in what it is you want to accomplish, there is no reason you cant go after and get what your desire. We talk to people who are hesitant on letting there dreams become a reality. Let them out and don't hold back, so what if they laugh at you, when your reaching your dreams those same people will be admiring you for doing whats deep down inside of you.
No one can stand in your way unless you allow them, no one can stop you unless you give up, no one can make you do anything. So take the gift that God has put inside you and make it happen. YOU DESERVE IT!!!!
As always feel free to comment or ask questions. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Social Media Facebook Group.
Social Media Google+ Community
Real Estate Investor Facebook Group
Entreprenuer Facebook Group of Champions.

Monday, January 28, 2013



I look at a picture almost once a day of a burned boat, that picture gives me stamina to want to kick butt every single day of the week. The picture is motivating because it tells me your either all in or go home. So I wanted to share the picture with you in the hopes it does the same for you that it has done for me. Read onBurn the boat

The Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire

In February 1519, Hernando Cortez set sail on the final leg of an ocean voyage that was to take him from Cuba to the distant shores of the Yucatan as the legend tells it.
He commanded 11 ships with more than 500 soldiers, 100 sailors, and 16 horses, bound for Mexico to take the bound for Mexico to take the world's richest treasure. The precious jewels, gold, silver, and sculptures sheltered on this limestone peninsula had been hoarded by the same army for over 600 years.
Cortez had heard of riches of the Yucatan. With his men they arrived on shore. They did not go and take the treasure immediately, they waited until they were ready. Cortez shared with his man how the treasure would change their lives, make a difference in there families. Children grow up in favor and wealth.


Then Cortez told his men to "Burn the boats."
The men were outraged wondering how they were going to get back to their families!
Cortez told them to burn the boats, if they where going home there where taking there boats home. He wanted them to have a take it or die attitude.hey would conquer the Yucatan army and gain their fortune. They would take the Yucatan's boats home.
This is whats in my mind for 2013, its do or die time, its no excuses time. Its stop playing and kick butt time, we live at a awesome time right now. There is a lot of opportunity out here to take advantage of, no matter if I fail, its alright, no matter if it does not happen the way I want. It does not matter, what matters is the next choice I make to let my awesomeness shine.
How about you, whats your boat? Whats standing in the way of your success, your destiny changing moment. Or that little things that would bring a smile to your face on a constant basis. Everybody definitions of success is not the same. Burn your boats, make it happen for you, no matter if its that book you need to write, that movie script you need to get finished. Or maybe that business idea that can create a change in your life. What ever it is , DO IT!!!
Want nothing but the best for you, Please feel free to comment and or ask questions. Here are a few links to make a extra $200-$500 a month.

Friday, January 25, 2013

MCA Review.

MCA_TotalSecurity_miniThe Truth About MCA.
Hey whats up people?
Wanted to share some info with you on what happen when I had a flat tire and needed to use the services of MCA. So since I never used it, was very interested in seeing how the services would be.
So it was about 9ish in the morning when I made the call. Had to wait for about 5 minutes to speak with a very nice courteous customer service rep. Gave her my name, she looked it up and asked for the address and info of where Im at.  Said she would call me back when a company is on its way. She called me back in about 2 minutes and said it would be 30-45 minutes before they arrived.

There on the way.

They called me in 35 min or so, they where down the street, he pulled up and got to work. Very courteous and polite, I showed him the tire he checked it out. Pulled out his tools, did his thing. That was it, done. Gave me his card, nothing to sign , no paperwork. Nothing at all, loved it. Ive used other tow services before that when there done you have to sign paperwork. See your id, etc. This was very easy to use, great customer service. Glad I have the serviced and Im getting paid to share the business with others. How cool is that? Check out the link below for more info on that.
Here is some MCA facts.
They are ready to serve you or your love ones 24/7, 365 days a year.
Your Emergency Road Service includes:
a. Battery Boost
b. Fuel Delivery
c. Tire Change
d. Lock-out Service
e. Wrecker Towing Service
Stolen Vehicle Reward
MCA will pay a $5,000 reward for that protects your vehicle and discourages theft. The reward will be paid to the Law enforcement agency or individual responsible for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the thief. The reward is not payable to you, your family, or other members on your MCA membership.
This is a summary of services, please click on link for exact details.
Thanks for reading, just wanted to share my MCA experience. Have those who asked and I was told about others good experience. Which came out good, always want to keep you guys updated and informed.
Fernando Young

Social Media Manager/Consultant


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Social Media Coordinators All Things Social Media Network Facebook Group

Social Media Coordinators All Things Social Media Network Facebook Group


This Group was created to learn how to master social media marketing, branding, and networking. Social Media Coordinators have added other social media professionals so the info on here will get you desired results. 

If you have good info to share please do. If you know of some one who would get benefits from this group fell free to add them. 

Thanks we look forward to having you in our group.5

Facebook Group